Again, the title sums up all the photos below! All the photos below were taken at Berry Creek near beautiful Sioux Narrows, Ontario! I am so blessed to have had family out there all of my life and still have family there to be able to go and see this beautiful part of Canada. It is not a far drive from where I live so when the mood strikes, we hop in the car and head east! Water is absolutely amazing. How it acts, bubbles, churns, and erodes. The marks it leaves on the shoreline and in the rocks! The first 3 photos are taken right beside big rapids. The water on the creek is super high this year which made for some nice photo ops. The first photo is of overflowing water running through cracks in the rock. The 2
nd photo is in a little pool on the last steppe before the big rapids end, and the 3rd photo is of again, the high water running over a crack and sand in the rock, which I thought looked totally cool! The last 7 photos are of the rapids from the top right to the bottom. You can see where the rapids start, how they act in the middle, and where the drop off and end! There were enough rocks that were available to climb almost to the middle of the big water and there I used my big lens and got some up close & personal shots of the water! I had lots of fun taking these! See the beauty of God's creation while enjoying these photos!