Saturday, January 29, 2011
My thoughts today......
My thoughts for today, wish I was here where these pics were taken! Wish I was planning a trip to this locale! I can hardly wait to return!

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Christmas Food
Christmas is my most favorite time of year. It seems that Christmas is the time when all your best and prettiest dishes come out and all of your favorite foods and goodies are made and eaten. I always do a lot of Christmas baking. I love baking anyway, but at Christmas time I make the things I only make at Christmas time. This year my sister and I baked together. It was lots of fun. We got most of it done but I did some more after we baked as well. We always have lots of gatherings to go to and I usually take a plate of baking to each gathering. The first pic below is of my Christmas table. I hosted a gathering this year. It was Christmas eve for brunch with my Mom and her husband, my sister and brother in law and my hubby and I at our house. We don't have a large house, but its always nice and cozy. We had waffles, bacon, ham, fruit, bran muffins and juices and coffee for our brunch. It was yummy! The next pic is a sampling of all the baking that was done. Sour cream cutout cookies, 2 types of shortbread, jam tarts, butter tarts, white chocolate truffles and dark chocolate truffles. All goodies made by hand! Too good! The last pic is of our afternoon snacks. My Mom made this amazing cream cheese and salsa dip so we had that with tortilla chips, baking and other snacks. All in all it was a good Christmas full of good food, good times and lots of love! Hope you all had a great Christmas as well.

The Chicken Collector
This post would technically go with the Christmas 2010 area, but I wanted to post this separately. The Chicken Collector you might ask, what exactly do you mean by "Chicken Collector"? Well, my lovely sister shown below here has always loved her chickens. As a little girl she had a chicken koop full of chickens. All kinds of chickens. Bantams, Silkies, Aracanas, laying hens, etc., etc., etc. She even had some Guinea fowl for a while too. She has always loved her "little" pets and this included chickens. So, maybe it started as kind of a joke to give her "chicken stuff" but surprisingly enough you can find some really lovely and tasteful chicken stuff. My Mom can always find neat stuff so below are the chicken-y gifts she received for Christmas this year. I too have found her some really pretty and unique chicken things too but I did not give her anything chicken like this year for Christmas or her birthday. So, all joking aside regarding "The Chicken Collector" is a legitimate collection that she has and has some really lovely things. Do any of you out there collect unusual things or something you think is unusual? Let me know if you like what you collect. Drop me a line. Talk again soon!

2010 Deer
It seems as if I have had lots of time to catch up with my blogging activity! Lots of posts these last few days. There is lots to catch up on from last summer through Christmas till the present.
Below are some photos of the gorgeous bucks that were taken by our hunting group this year. We don't have a large group of folks that we hunt with, but there were a couple nice bucks that were harvested this year. The first 2 pictures are of my handsome husband and his buck that he took in early November. He dropped him at a little over 200 yards in a corn field that was harvested. This buck was a nice size and a good weight as we had to move him a fair distance to the pick up. We had to take the "hero" shots in the dark, but they turned out ok.
The next 2 photos are of one of the fellas in our hunting group. He took this handsome buck at the end of hunting season. He shot him in the bush at I would guess under 100 yards. I had a shot at this nice buck too, however I couldn't see my hunting partner and I knew that he was just behind where this buck was and I didn't want to chance taking the shot, so needless to say I didn't get a buck this year but am glad that this fella got him! Nice buck! We also had to take these hero shots in the dark, but with the lights from the pickup they didn't turn out too badly. All in all the 2010 hunting season was a success. Enjoy the photos!

Below are some photos of the gorgeous bucks that were taken by our hunting group this year. We don't have a large group of folks that we hunt with, but there were a couple nice bucks that were harvested this year. The first 2 pictures are of my handsome husband and his buck that he took in early November. He dropped him at a little over 200 yards in a corn field that was harvested. This buck was a nice size and a good weight as we had to move him a fair distance to the pick up. We had to take the "hero" shots in the dark, but they turned out ok.
The next 2 photos are of one of the fellas in our hunting group. He took this handsome buck at the end of hunting season. He shot him in the bush at I would guess under 100 yards. I had a shot at this nice buck too, however I couldn't see my hunting partner and I knew that he was just behind where this buck was and I didn't want to chance taking the shot, so needless to say I didn't get a buck this year but am glad that this fella got him! Nice buck! We also had to take these hero shots in the dark, but with the lights from the pickup they didn't turn out too badly. All in all the 2010 hunting season was a success. Enjoy the photos!

My Beautiful Friend
This was fun! I had never taken maternity shots before this and one of my best friends allowed me to "practice" with her and use her as my model. K is a beautiful person inside and out and we just love her and her family! We have been friends a long time and I was so blessed to be able to take these fun pics for her and for me. It was a relaxed and fun shoot. Some shots turned out great and some didn't turn out quite like I thought. However, we did manage to get several good pictures that day! How could you not with such a beautiful model and her cute little guy!! Anyway K, hope you enjoy these! Thanks for being my model! God bless and can't wait for your little one to arrive so we can do some newborn shots!!

Creations for sale
Hi! Just a quick post tonight! My talented and artistic hubby has been hard at work, working on his beautiful creations. Here are 2 solid oak toilet seats that are ready to go for sale. We have been working on "stockpiling" as it were to have some on hand. We do lots of custom work as well, so any type of picture, logo, brand or whatever, can be woodburned onto these lovely seats. These aren't just outlines, they are complete and full pictures done by hand. We have had many a satisfied customer who have purchased his work. Here are 2 seats that fit an "average" sized bowl that are ready to go. Please feel free to drop us a line if you're interested in either one of them, or a custom seat, and we will get you pricing as soon as we can! Thanks for now & hope you like 'em!

Monday, January 10, 2011
Happy New Year everyone! Well, 2011 has arrived. I can't believe how fast 2010 flew by. I don't have much new to post but wanted to post a quick thought. Saturday night we had our Fire Department Christmas party. They are always so much fun. Lots of great food, great people, a ton of fun and laughter! This year was no different in that regard. But this year a very special gift was designed and made for our fantastic fire Chief. The gift was a beautiful bound book full of fire department history, pictures of the new fire hall, portraits and short bios of all the department members, burn pictures, community event pictures and other special memories as well. There were also a few special things added. A page with the Firefighters prayer and our crest, a page about Dalmatians and their significance to the fire service, a page with all of our towns past fire Chief's and past members, and a page with the Maltese cross and its meaning. The information for the book came from several sources which were all acknowledged within the books pages. It turned out to be a lovely book. I came up with this book idea and am certainly glad that I could do this for our Chief for our FD. The book was beautifully wrapped and I had written a little speech to go with it as I presented it to our Chief on behalf of our Fire Department. The only word to describe Chief's reaction was, priceless!!! I was so very concerned that this project be done perfectly because I wanted this to be absolutely special and I am so glad the gift was well received! So again Chief, thank you for all your hard work and dedication! You are sincerely appreciated and more! Anyway, those are my thoughts these days! God bless!
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