Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Misty Morning Practice
Last Friday just before noon, I received an invitation via phone call to come and photograph a practice burn for 2 local fire departments just down the road from where I live. Of course, I said YES, as I enjoy photographing fire and seeing as I have worked with some of these fine gentlemen before in another practice burn that they did with our town's department, I was all the more pumped to get out and photograph for them. Saturday morning was foggy, misty and the roads were just a little slick, but not bad enough to keep me at home and the departments from practice. There was very little to no wind and the conditions were just right for this burn. The 2 departments are small rural departments with not quite as many members as our town's department. They are small but mighty departments and when we as a rural community can work together and practice like this, it shows the respect and camaraderie that communities can have together. Anyway, I got lots of great shots and had a ton of fun with this bunch. I just want to say thank you very much to the Roland and Lowe Farm, Manitoba Fire Departments for asking me to come and photograph for you. It was my absolute pleasure and I look forward to doing it again sometime. Here is a sneak peek at some of the shots captured that day! Enjoy!

Monday, March 14, 2011
Today, what a beautiful, almost spring like day. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and even the temperature was warmer. The snow is starting to melt. I hope we don't get more. Today, I was looking through my photos of my travels and came across these 2 lovely shots of flowers in Mexico. So, I am dreaming I am there! But unfortunately its only in my mind! Someday soon, I will be on my way, somewhere and it can't be soon enough!

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thoughts for today........
My thought for today is, I wish I was here where this photo was taken! Yes, I know, I have said this before, but really, I would LOVE to go back there! It was by far, one of the BEST vacations we have ever taken! For those of you who don't me very well, or maybe those of you who do know me well, don't know this about me. One of my dreams that I am eventually going to fulfill in my life, is to travel the world! Right now, today, I am just armchair travelling, but I know in the next couple years, another vacation is going to happen! But for today, I will just look at my photos of previous trips taken, and long for the day when I am planning another trip, and then will be boarding a plane to some foreign destination! Can't wait!

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