The pictures and edits below are from beautiful Sioux Narrows Ontario and area. We have family there and are so blessed by being able to stay in their big, beautiful cabins right on Lake Of The Woods. It is so quiet and peaceful there and it smells wonderful! I just love getting out of the car and smelling that northwoods air. There is just something relaxing in doing just that. Below are some pics, and obviously some edited pics, that I have taken over last fall and this summer! The first 4 are from a place called Black River. What it is, is a little area on the side of the highway just down the road from my Uncle's place. There is a lake which this little water fall runs out of and at the bottom of the water fall is a big pool with lily pads and lilies. I would love to build a cabin there! The daisy is on the side of the road right by the river. The following 2 pictures are at Berry Creek which is just around the corner from where we stay. We always have fun fishing there. The last photo is of a loon that came real close to the dock, so I snapped a quick photo. Hope you enjoy these!

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