I just love the colors that leaves turn in the fall and the bright colors of summer and fall flowers! Below are some shots I took in late summer and early fall of my garden flowers and some pretty leaves! Enjoy!
We both work full time jobs. My husband works for a farmer and I work in the service area at an ag machinery dealership. My husband is a volunteer firefighter with our local dept as well. After work, we spend alot of time riding and training horses. We have mostly arena/performance horses. God has blessed us both with some awesome talents artistically. We are using this blog to showcase those talents and to share them with you. We are hoping to sell some of our work as well. I am a photographer and do all types of photography from livestock portraits, to weddings & family portraits. My husband is an artist on wood as he woodburns on just about anything you like and builds barnboard frames. We hope this blog will help us on our way till we get our website up and running! Enjoy!! Please contact us with any inquiries!
stunning colors! They are so vivid!