These photos were taken at Christmas time this year! These are our 2 special little nieces! Miss M & Miss E! We don't get to see them very often but we sure love them! It is always a special treat to be able to play with them and hold them! They live in Edmonton, so its not too often that we get to see them! I just love the pictures of Bryan with the girls! I know he will be an amazing Daddy to our children someday! These photos are very, very, candid shots! Not the best I have shot, but I hope you like 'em anyway!
Miss E lovin her Uncle Bryan! (or UB as he thinks he should be called. LOL!)

Me & Miss E!

Little Miss M!


UB & Miss E, again! Looks like its almost nap time!

Both little Misses and their dolls that we gave them for Christmas! Miss M had a rough nite the night before, so she's pretty wiped out, poor girl! But thankful they posed for the picture anyway!

This is my sister in law Dena and her little wanna be cowgirl! Thankfully she has an awesome Auntie & Uncle that can supply the horse!

Us & Miss M.
I love the picture of the girls with their dolls! THEY BOTH HAVE THE EXACT SAME POUT. MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU GUYS! ~DENA & KEVIN