I know, I know! Its a little backwards! My last post stated "Welcome 2010" and here I am back in 2009. I didn't manage to get these pictures together until now!
We most certainly had a white, white christmas! This is what we woke up to on boxing day! Christmas day was spent at my sister and brother in law's place. We left in a snowstorm that got progressively worse throughout the day and came home in a bad snowstorm that had dumped a TON of snow! On boxing day morning the picture below is what we woke up too! YIKES! Bryan had to push as hard as he could just to get the door open! We then went outside and observed the massive amount of snow that was left to us to clean up!

This is Bryan standing on the nice 3.5-4ft snowbank that our lovely town left when the grader went by. We know they can't help it, but STILL! It was so much to clean up. Bryan had to shovel a path just wide enough for us to fit through with the truck to see if we could borrow his Dad's snowblower. Unfortunately when we got there he told us the belt had broken and there was nothing open to replace it with. Thankfully his yard was all cleaned. BUT blessing of blessings, Bryan's Dad and oldest brother came to help us clear our driveway out! We really appreciated that!

The snowbank beside the house was almost as high as our car. As you can see, the large bank went quite a distance! But at least it felt even more Christmasy with this lovely, white snow! It was a perfect day to snuggle on the couch and watch movies with a nice warm cup of hot chocolate!

We sincerely hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas!
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