Monday, January 10, 2011


Happy New Year everyone! Well, 2011 has arrived. I can't believe how fast 2010 flew by. I don't have much new to post but wanted to post a quick thought. Saturday night we had our Fire Department Christmas party. They are always so much fun. Lots of great food, great people, a ton of fun and laughter! This year was no different in that regard. But this year a very special gift was designed and made for our fantastic fire Chief. The gift was a beautiful bound book full of fire department history, pictures of the new fire hall, portraits and short bios of all the department members, burn pictures, community event pictures and other special memories as well. There were also a few special things added. A page with the Firefighters prayer and our crest, a page about Dalmatians and their significance to the fire service, a page with all of our towns past fire Chief's and past members, and a page with the Maltese cross and its meaning. The information for the book came from several sources which were all acknowledged within the books pages. It turned out to be a lovely book. I came up with this book idea and am certainly glad that I could do this for our Chief for our FD. The book was beautifully wrapped and I had written a little speech to go with it as I presented it to our Chief on behalf of our Fire Department. The only word to describe Chief's reaction was, priceless!!! I was so very concerned that this project be done perfectly because I wanted this to be absolutely special and I am so glad the gift was well received! So again Chief, thank you for all your hard work and dedication! You are sincerely appreciated and more! Anyway, those are my thoughts these days! God bless!

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